Directed and written by Jim Jarmusch, Only Lovers Left Alive is a vampire love story which took him seven years of waiting and preparation to have the production finally completed. Along with Wanda Jackson's Funnel of love behind the scene, the film ignited my curiosity with its compelling manifestation of the inseparable bond between the couple at the beginning.
Unlike most commercial vampire fantasies, Adam (starring Tom Hiddleston) and Eve (starring Tilda Swinton) are both intellectual and snobbish. In particular, they are hipster vampires who often refer to humans as "zombies" due to witnessing our repetitive brainless behaviour centuries ago. And in spite of being together for countless years, the protagonists are in fact the antithesis of each other. For example, Adam is a pessimistic musician who often dresses in black and lives in the post industrial desolate city of Detroit, to which Eve addresses as his "wilderness". In contrast, Eve is an optimistic book fanatic who loves to dress in creamy tones and lives in the cultural and passionate city of Tangiers. Nevertheless, the notion behind true acceptance and endurance of individualities allows their love to remain solid and timeless from the beginning to the end of the film. Unfortunately, this kind of relationship might seem as fantasy for most of us in reality.
Only Lover Left Alive is an entertaining and stylish film, however I was slightly disappointed because the powerful opening did not last through. Although the pace of the film flattened out in the middle, the conversation between the vampires remain humorous. Most importantly, the soundtrack is the biggest factor that makes this film so appealing. Take note of it while watching this film, as you can't afford to miss it.
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