Their Story...
As a newly established denim brand early this year, Akkadenim has many of its first attempts in the fashion industry. It is the first Chinese denim label introduced to the westerners. It is also the first label which started up for charitable actions. Co-founded by Miles Chinn and Hill Law, they have been working on jeans productions for more than twenty years. With their expertise, Chinn and Law saw the outrageous profits thatmade by many fashion labels through ridiculous marked-up prices. So the duo decided that it is time knock some sense and challenge the 'injustice" of consumerism by starting from what they are familiar with- jeans. Most importantly, they want to return what is taken back to the society, especially to those who are in need.
Product Characteristics
Focusing on modest embroidery designs, the quality of these slim cuts exceed its value of £85 - £95 per piece. Having produced in one of the most well-known denim factory in Asia, each pair of Akkadenim comes with refined materials such as French copper or rusted cobalt buttons, the 7.2 gram rivets that usually only used for luxury labels and fine denim that weighs 11.75 ounce with a silk-enhanced finished.
Aligning with their charitable strive, Akkadenim donates their seasonal profits to support grass rooted children organisations. Dara Children's Trust in Cambodia and Sahasra Deepika foundation for education in India are thus far the two children organisations which Akkadenim are supporting. With bigger ambition in mind, the label plans to outreach to two more children's organisations as they expand each year.
Where can you buy them?
Currently, oki-ni is the only official retailer where you can purchase these jeans. And if just so happened that you are in the midst of looking for a pair of jeans right now, try Akkadenim. We believe it makes you more than just looking good but also feeling good ethically.
Image via Akkadenim, Oki-ni
Image via Akkadenim, Oki-ni
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