
Friday, 13 December 2013

Music Feed #3: Introducing: Arthur Beatrice

Joining the ocean of electronic pop artists is London based band Arthur Beatrice. The four piece band consists of dual vocalists Orlando Leopard and Ella Girardot, and bandmates Elliot and Hamish Barnes. Having first released their debut EP, 'Carter' midway this year, the band is making a hasty return soon by releasing their debut album 'Working Out' on 12 January 2014.

Their debut consists of four tracks that are indeed pleasing to the ears. I was initially mesmerised by the band's ability to nail the atmospheric mood; by finding the right balance between the vocals and the instrumentals in each track. To be precise, the harmonious, theatrical voices accompanied by piano chords and funky synths were the factors that captivated me.    

Each track in the EP has its own distinct method of establishing a mild ambient atmosphere. Indeed the entire EP serves this purpose effectively if you are looking for a calm and effortless experience for a change. I would recommend it to those who are seeking for something that would enrapture the mind. For those of you who are interested you can check out the EP below:

Hopefully the EP had been a positive listening experience to everyone and if you're craving for more
then I have good news for you. They've just released a new track titled 'Midland' which would be featured in their upcoming album.

Lastly, be sure to check out their latest album when it becomes available in January.

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